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3456 Evaline Street
Hamtramck, Mi 48212


HATCH is a grassroots collective of artists from Hamtramck and the greater Detroit area. It exists to support, grow and promote local art and artists.


Hands On at Hatch Art: Ground Charcoal Drawing

Hatch Admin

Tuesday, January 5th from 6pm – 9pm
Hatch Art Gallery, 3456 Evaline St. Hamtramck, MI 48212

Join us at Hatch Art for a Hands On at Hatch Art workshop, where we will be making ground charcoal drawings on paper. Charcoal is used in art for drawing, making rough sketches in painting and is one of the possible media for making a parsemage. It must usually be preserved by the application of a fixative. Powdered charcoal is often used to "tone" or cover large sections of a drawing surface. Drawing over the toned areas darkens it further, but the artist can also lighten (or completely erase) within the toned area to create lighter tones.

We will provide paper, charcoal supplies, erasers, easels and guidance for each person that registers! We only can fit 15 so register early!

The workshop is open to adults only (may be nudity), please no children... 18 and over. The workshop will be easy enough for beginners, but more experienced artists will be able to make more elaborate drawings from the basic materials. We strongly suggest you bring some ideas and materials of your own… Please reach out to Alice beforehand if you have any questions! 

This 3 hour workshop will be $30.00.

Register here: