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3456 Evaline Street
Hamtramck, Mi 48212


HATCH is a grassroots collective of artists from Hamtramck and the greater Detroit area. It exists to support, grow and promote local art and artists.


AI and the Creator: Is it Art?

Hatch Admin

May 4 to May 26

Opening Reception Saturday, May 4 6pm - 9pm

Artist talk May 5th at 2pm

Curated by Judi Bommarito

Hatch Art Gallery
3456 Evaline Street Hamtramck, MI

Gallery Hours:
Thursday, Friday 5pm - 8pm
Saturday, Sunday, 12pm - 5pm

The emergence of AI-driven text-to-image technology raises profound questions about the nature of art and creativity. Traditionally, art has been viewed as a uniquely human expression, born from emotions, experiences, and imagination. However, as AI demonstrates the ability to create visually compelling artwork, the boundaries between human and machine-generated art become increasingly blurred. One of the primary debates surrounding AI-generated art revolves around its authenticity and emotional depth. Can artwork created by algorithms truly evoke the same emotional resonance as pieces crafted by human hands? Critics argue that AI lacks the consciousness and lived experiences that imbue human-created art with meaning and significance. Furthermore, concerns about originality and authorship arise in the context of AI- generated art. Who owns the rights to artwork created by algorithms? Does the AI itself hold authorship, or is it merely a tool wielded by its human operators? These questions challenge conventional notions of artistic ownership and intellectual property rights.

As society grapples with the implications of this technological advancement, one thing remains clear: AI-generated art is here to stay, challenging our perceptions of creativity and redefining the boundaries of artistic expression. The show “AI and the Creator - Is it Art?” does not intend to answer the questions, but creates the space to allow the viewer to form their own conclusions.

Participating artists:

Judi Bommarito
Alan Brown
Teri Campbell
Troy Forner
William Jones
Kathryn Poremski
Emily Small
Ann Smith
Brandy Vangessel