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3456 Evaline Street
Hamtramck, Mi 48212


HATCH is a grassroots collective of artists from Hamtramck and the greater Detroit area. It exists to support, grow and promote local art and artists.


Craig Billings: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Tolerance

Hatch Admin

Opening Reception Saturday, November 5, 6-10pm

Gallery Hours:
Saturday, November 12th, 1-6pm
Saturday, November 19th, 1-6pm (Art Talk At 2pm)
Saturday, November 26th, 1-6pm

3456 Evaline St, Hamtramck, Michigan 48212

How can humanity search for better ways to live together in a dangerous, complicated, chaotic world? The artwork of Craig Billings, which includes repurposed items, assemblage, and collage in a bright, colorful way, explores many issues facing our world today. In this politically-charged month, this work encourages honest discussion in the hopes of finding understanding.