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3456 Evaline Street
Hamtramck, Mi 48212


HATCH is a grassroots collective of artists from Hamtramck and the greater Detroit area. It exists to support, grow and promote local art and artists.


Linda Ward: Hang Loose!

Hatch Admin

Hang Loose is a collection of new work by Detroit/Hamtramck artist Linda M Ward.

Reception: Sunday, December 17th 5-7pm
music by Aran Daniels

Show runs from December 3 - December 30

Cafe 1923, 2287 Holbrook Ave, Hamtramck, MI 48212
M-F: 7am - 9pm, Sa.-Su: 10am - 7pm

"Hang Loose is a surfing term meaning relax and just go with it because you can't ride the wave if you're uptight. After college, I spent three months in Portugal working at a hostel and I learned how to surf. I gained a beautiful new insight into mother nature and my own humanity. The ocean taught me a lot about how to live and how to learn. Although the massive ocean is more powerful than we can comprehend, we can ride the wave. If it's good then ride it, if it's choppy then swim under it. If it pushes you over then paddle back out. This same idea applies to life and this theme is consistent every where in nature. Life is incredibly fragile and we are vulnerable to nature's delicate balance. Yet we and all of life - like plants - still flourish. Worries and getting hung up on what "should of happened" is useless, futile and counter-productive to what nature is teaching to those with willing ears. If something is true and right, then it will happen and nothing will be able to stop it. Have a little faith, relax, let go of the negative thinking, stick your neck out and go with whatever happens."