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3456 Evaline Street
Hamtramck, Mi 48212


HATCH is a grassroots collective of artists from Hamtramck and the greater Detroit area. It exists to support, grow and promote local art and artists.


Say Their Names: Statement + Call for Art

Hatch Admin

George Floyd. Say his name! Breonna Taylor. Say her name! Justin Howell. Say his name! Sanda Bland. Say her name! Tamir Rice. Say his name! Malice Green. Say his name!

We at Hatch feel proud to be part of a diverse and thriving artist community, as well as the multicultural population in Hamtramck and Metro Detroit. We stand with the Black Lives Matter movement and believe that everyone is entitled to respectful and equal treatment under the law. It is unacceptable that black Americans, as well as other people of color and immigrants, cannot feel safe and respected in this country. Police brutality must stop.

Institutions large and small have a role to play in undoing centuries of structural racism. We at Hatch have been using this time to reflect on our current practices and setting goals to improve. We are committed to hearing and including the voices of those too long ignored and silenced in America.

As in this music video by Janelle Monae, artists have the ability to take rage, sorrow, and despair and turn it into hope, energy, and action. It illuminates injustice and spurs change. Hatch invites artists to share how you are speaking out with your art. Email one image (1 mb or less) with your name, title of the work, and medium, plus an optional description or narrative, to Hatch will feature curated selections each day on our Instagram and Facebook pages, plus a gallery on our website, All ages welcome. No fees. Beginning now through the end of June.